WATCH AND LISTEN Ballotpedia podcast on "Direct Democracy Backsliding" * August 17, 2023 Democracy Paradox podcast * October 11, 2020 "Can Direct Democracy Defuse Populism?" * University of Chicago Booth School of Business webinar * October 1, 2020 "People Have the Power? Electoral Politics and Democracy" * Los Angeles Times Festival of Books * October 20, 2020 READ "Why Does Colorado Have So Many Ballot Measures?" * The Conversation (12/9/2023) "How Proxy Adviser Competition Affects the Quality of Advice" with Odilon Camara and Chong Shu * The CLS Blue Sky Blog (11/14/2024) "The Effect of Green Investors on Corporate Carbon Emissions" with Matt Kahn and Chong Shu * Cato Institute Research Brief (4/3/2024) "Divestment and Engagement: The Effect of Green Investors on Corporate Carbon Emissions" with Matt Kahn and Chong Shu * Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (11/6/2023) "Should We Worry About Robo-Voting?" with Chong Shu * The CLS Blue Sky Blog (10/10/2023) "In Defense of Voter Referendums" [Better title would be: "When voters speak, legislators should listen instead of trying to stop them from speaking" * The Hill (8/14/2023) "Opinion: Let the People Decide on Abortion" * Politico (8/4/2022) "Best books to understand why American democracy is struggling" * (7/2022) "Opinion: If Roe is Overturned, Democracy Could Be the Best Path Forward on Abortion" * Politico (1/4/2022) "An Idea for the President's Democracy Summit: Let Voters Make More Decisions" * LinkedIn (12/8/2021) "COVID and Experts: A Microcosm of Democracy Today" * Princeton University Press Ideas (October 9, 2020) "How to Get Police Reform Done? Use Direct Democracy" * ProMarket Blog "Don't Fear the Voter" (interview) * Democracy International "Revive American democracy with this one move that would settle divisive issues for good" * Marketwatch Opinion (2/25/2020) Books Let the People Rule: How Direct Democracy Can Meet the Populist ChallengeFebruary 2020 For the Many or the Few2004 Twitter Linkedin